With the #30Band30Hands bundle, you receive the following:
30 In-Stock Membands for your small group, church, camp, business, or nonprofit to share with one another.
- Included is 10 (2 of each) of our original Membands (those priced at $3.99), and 5 (2 each) of our premium Membands—those that have been customized by other organizations.
Note: You can choose any combination of our original Membands. (i.e. 30 Matthew 11:28 Membands; 10 Romans 1:16 Membands, 5 Isaiah 53:5 Membands, 15 Philippians 4:6-7 Membands).
This is a $104 value—all in an effort to introduce your ministry, business, nonprofit or family to Membands! Thank you for helping us Spread the Word
Share the 30 bands with friends, family, neighbors, and strangers in 2021—then send in your Membands testimonies to will@qwillcreative.com, tag us @Membands (Facebook or Instagram) and use #30Bands30Hands.